Looked and looked but couldn't find a full length shot of PZ; attending the wedding of a politician's son. Bit hard to say whether Preity's traditional ensemble is a hit or a miss as we can't see it in full but I'm definitely liking the yellow and gold on her.

Preity's outfit is gorgeous!!!
me WANT! :)
that sari - is that a pull on or something..??
the cream coloured one
it has pleats like a bharatnatyam costume
how intriguing
Hi oncloud9 - hope you've been well :)
I'm loving the cream saree as well...love the pleating...it probably is a pull on.
u can see the full length view of preity dress in this link
like the shoes!!
am i the only one hu feels preity looks pretty fat? fat as in pregnant?? or has she put on weight for some role.. she looks huge! bad angle perhaps ;)
Thanks for the link Luna - I looked but still couldn't find a pic :( Can you please actually send me the url of the exact photo as I can't wait to see the complete outfit ! xx
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